The Teachings of Jesus
Jesus only walked the earth for three years, but He said and did some powerful things while He was here. These videos are designed to give you some starting points on different teachings so that you can read more closely for yourselves the things He said and did. Many, if not most, of the videos on the website focus upon the teachings of Jesus. Here’s a few favorites of many that we’re highlighting for you.
Jesus’ treatment of others is an interesting study– He spoke and helped people who were desperate, lepers, the poor, adulterers, tax collectors, those who had turned against Him- sinners and those desperately in need. Jesus never played favorites, and His approach to those who thought they could never approach Him remains timeless. (Time 4:14)
In Luke 6:47-49, Jesus speaks of preparations we need to make before the rain beings and the waters start to rise. He talks about building spiritual foundations and being anchored to His teachings– rather than that of the world. A major help in this is found in James 1:22, which says To “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only” (Time 3:43)
Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist– and Jesus– each said the same words as they began their ministries. They said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Luke 3&4) What does this mean? And how does it apply to us? The presenter provides both definition as well as practical, daily application for us today. (Time 3:55)
In Galatians 3:28 we are taught that our race, our sex and even our jobs every day make no matter to God. We are ultimately taught that all lives matter to God, and to His son. We also consider scripture such as Jeremiah 1:5 and Luke 12:7 and bring to our minds the degree of God’s knowledge of who we all are. (Time 3:46)